Education not reported to NMLS

We try our best to report within 24-48 hours of completion.

  • Live classes and webinars take a little longer, as there are more manual steps involved with reporting.
  • LATE CE is manually adjusted on the NMLS side and can take up to 48 hours after we report it to reflect in your profile. 

We strive to have all courses reported to the NMLS within 7 days of completion.

The vast majority of missing course bankings are due to us not having correct NMLS ID information and/or the last name does not match what the NMLS has on file. 

If you don't see your courses in your NMLS profile, please check the following:

  • Are your NMLS ID and last name correct in our system correct? If not, please send us an email and we will update your information. 
  • Check your email for a message from us. If we encounter a problem with NMLS ID or Last Names causing us to not report, we will notify you. 

If all is correct, and you don't see it, please open a ticket with us. Let us know which course is missing, and we will double-check and either report the course or share with you the confirmation that it was reported. 

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